Improper operation of the cigarette Dry herb vaporizer sale solve problems liquid sucked mouth
First, if there are individual customers find it using liquid smoke sucked his mouth, please note that this is not a quality electronic cigarette, is your improper use. Then please do not swallow liquid smoke, use clean water rinse.
Second, the solution (proper use):
1 Be careful not to use too much force when sucked, but not too strongly of smoke. Suck too hard because when liquid smoke is sucked directly in your mouth, and not through the atomizer spray. Therefore, a greater amount of smoke gently suck instead.
2 Please note that when smokers inhale breath to keep a little longer time because you can suck a little bit longer time to make smoke bombs inside the liquid smoke atomization by atomizer sufficiently to produce more smoke.
3 Note the use of perspective, to keep up the cigarette holder, tobacco stems downward, if cigarette smoking when tobacco stems upwards, then downwards, due to gravity liquid smoke will naturally flow down into your mouth.
4 When the smoke fluid sucked mouth, please quit playing win apart, the nebulizer mouthpiece inside and above the overflow of excess liquid smoke clean before use.
5 To keep the batteryMini Ecigar sale has enough power, low battery can also cause has not been fully atomized liquid smoke and sucked his mouth.